In case you missed the previous newsletters: Newsletter 1 | Newsletter 2 | Newsletter 3 | Newsletter 4 | Newsletter 5
你好 (nǐhǎo!) and welcome to the Sixth Edition of the Learn Mandarin Newsletter.
This week at the home of Learn Mandarin has been a lot of:

After someone commented on our Facebook Newsletter link that we don’t have PinYin, I’ve now added PinYin marks. I’m also working on a new Chinese Children’s story for you which should be ready quite soon! :) It’s going to be about cats 🐈…
Mandarin Conversation Week 6
你去哪儿? Nǐ qù nǎ'er。 Where are you going? 🚗
我去上班? Wǒ qù shàngbān。I’m going to work. 🩺
你在哪儿上班?Nǐ zài nǎ'er shàngbān? Where are you working? 🏢
在医院上班。Zài yīyuàn shàngbān. Working at a hospital. 🏥
你喜欢你的工作吗?Nǐ xǐhuān nǐ de gōngzuò ma? Do you like your job? 👍
很喜欢!不过有的时候挺累的 Hěn xǐhuān! Bùguò yǒu de shíhòu tǐng lèi de. Very much! 😍 Although it gets tiring sometimes. 🥱
反正你喜欢就行!Fǎnzhèng nǐ xǐhuān jiùxíng! Well as long as you like it! 🕺
App of the Week
LingoDeer — This app (available for both iOS and Android) provides an interesting introduction to Chinese. Users can learn in Traditional Chinese, Simplified Chinese, and Pinyin. and it works offline.
Book of the Week
This week I’m listening to Joseph Campbell’s book, The Hero With A Thousand Faces on Scribd. At its essence, the book goes into a detailed blueprint for storytelling, something I’m keeping in mind as I’m thinking about Chinese stories for the Mandarin program.
The journey consists of the following:
The Call to Adventure
Refusal of the Call
Meeting the Mentor
Crossing the Threshold
Approaching the Innermost Cave
The Road Back
Master of Two Worlds
Article of the Week
Gods and Demons — I found this Wikipedia article interesting. It’s about stories that deal with Chinese myths, legends, gods, monsters, and other fantasy-related stuff. There are a ton of adaptations domestically and internationally. In fact, Koreans and Japanese people know of the story of Tripitaka and the Journey to the West. Because the novel is so well known, there is also an English translation.
If you have any comments or questions, please email me on support @ I’d love to hear from you.
Stay safe and healthy until next time!
Zai Jian,